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Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Sunday ...the King of Fruits is here, i don't know why they called it such, it's taboo in all hotels and flights. It smells like Hell and tastes like

Saturday Today
...Always try to have a Good Weekend...relax and go for some entertainment, it's time for you to unwind, get over the blues or whatever's something I want to show You...No Magic I m no Magician, my son is! This is plain simple SCIENCE.....WATER CAN BURN! Watch...WOw...

Ahhh...the wow here is, you can TURN the above into a MAGIC TRICK, the trick is this : hide 2 pieces of small batteries in the Match Box, you will need a piece of cloth to work on the stuff, do it your way, many ways to present...OK n the know how it works!

July 20 1969 was the
wow when Neil Armstrong became the first human to land on the moon, now we are racing to land on Mars...will that Day come? Let's take a look at this clip of Mars .....N the wow is as if some Martians are already there, huge ape like ALIENS....WHO can tell for sure??
Water on the Moon may boost Nasa into 21st-century space race.
Nasa estimated that it would need $119 billion to return to the Moon. LATEST Sep 25 2009
New data from the Deep Impact spacecraft and the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), an instrument aboard India's recently ended Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, provide, for the first time, clear evidence that water exists on the surface of the Moon......and WOW ..Boeing is moving ahead with plans to develop commercial space flight, including transporting astronauts and perhaps tourists into space.<<

So what have i got 4u today, FRIDAY...ok,..we all face changes in life, all kinds of changes...a job change can be stressful, just about anything can bring stress ...well, POSITIVE stress is OK, you are challenged but when you are STRESSED and TIRED at the same time and I am referring to your physical ability to perform, you need help, you need advice, you need guidance. When you feel TIRED, unduly tired...we called it FATIGUE..... You try to do something, you feel tired, your body gets weaker, you put off something to another day - you build up your backlog, you get more stressed out....Let's follow the 3 clips below which I think will help you IF you are one of those that feel TIRED (always). Coincidentally my daughter Chris who resides in KL called me earlier to ask me exactly on the same thing...TIREDNESS

"Our environment has changed. The last 100 years has wiped out millions of years of pure, clean food and water. And our bodies haven’t adapted quickly enough. We weren’t designed to live in our current world of man-made chemicals, toxins and pollutants".

The word SOMBONG strikes me again! A blogger stupidly (or cleverly stupid) called him the CHICKENSHIT Minister of Misinformation...see the clip below

Tolong lah, JAGA language sikit kawan....Taiee Ayam,,,, apa pasal pulak>>>

I was at the bank this afternoon (Thursday) --- saw a beggar, an old man with his feet diseased (skin lesions) in front of the bank, sitting on the five foot way...he used to be at other banks too ironically.... and i know he will be picked up around 5 pm by a Toyota car. I told myself that this is a wicked world! How could he be sent there to the bank(s) in the morning to beg and picked up in the evening after begging?

This Begging AFFAIR sometimes take place between 2 people, at

BEGGING Your Wife and WIFE, BEGGING Your Husband!! Now, now....

Let's be clear on this wife - husband stuff (laki bini, suami isteri):
Love aside, you don't OWN him or her.

Muslims can marry 4 WIVES (many wished they could but only attained the 1 or 2 status) and if a Rich Chinese tycoon wants to maRRY 7 WIVES, so be it! WE ALL WANT CHANGE!! >>News: Two Indonesian wives, Munfiatun and Arina, of slain militant leader Noordin Mohammed Top have been blocked by police in their bid to bury his body on Indonesian soil, their lawyer said today.<<

>>NEWS: 26/09/09
Kuala Lumpur: A website offering change of sex partners has become a big hit with Singaporeans, for 49 couples have already signed up for it. According to the Sin Chew Daily, among the categories available were men seeking women, women seeking men, and where same sex partners are available.

“The majority of those who signed up stressed that they were only looking for sex, not love,” the Star Online quoted the daily as stating. The website has created so much interest that those who signed up voluntarily left their contact details to allow interested parties to call them.<<

Condition yourself to ShArE (ur body and all eeeak)...huh...WiVe(s) can't take it! Sorry 4 u MUSLIM wife n Wive(s)...U can get a BOMBSHELL at anytime from your naughty HUBBY (u never know about MEN...ssshhh don't trust them, the quiet ones especially ssshhh....Happened to a friend of mine recently...c what I mean, ...the wife, she was a strong woman!...and a beautiful lady! Never UNDERESTIMATE 4u Husband what your wife could do or Wife, your "naughty" husband can do, saying "I LOVE YOU Darling"...and sneaking out to watch the porny porny movies!, a bl--dy fact of life 4 MANY people! I M NOT a SAINT! Neither are U!

In Hollywood, they change wives like I change clothes.
The whites make NO FUSS about it.

yahoooo CHANGES have been made to my blog...I TWIT by saying I RAPED it...Yes, that's what I did.

Don't be dirty in THOUGHTS eehhh...I Didn't say RAPE your Wife or vice versa and it can happened dude!....hahahha dood...good for a laugh.....READ ON....I featured that below.....the hahahaha pranks...good for your muscles!

I like this muscles thing when it comes from my Indian friends! They are full of those JOKES!!!! hehehehe

An Indian teacher I had once told me that if a wife were to cook CURRY for her husband everyday of the week, one day the curry would be thrown on HER face. wow!! so u c, u can't be eating curry everyday, not even for our INDIAN friends.

So all we look for is CHANGE....for better or for worst!

The evolution of life itself materializes from CHANGE!

And if u want some change, LOOK up for the 1st Law of Thermodynamics in google, isn't it that NOTHING is LOST, only another form of energy replaces of what is thought to be lost. (use your own English to interpret it)

Pointless to argue!. Just laugh....HAHAHAHAHA! but on the serious side, don't laugh when it comes to GOD! .....IS GOD CREATING A CONTROVERSY BY GIVING US RELIGIONS TO CHOOSE FROM?.... Read on and see my posts on Religion etc.

Without GOD, our week would be:
Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday,
Thirstday, Fightday & Shatterday.

Remember seven days WITHOUT GOD makes
one WEAK!!

We Are just A Speck in this wide Universe, the COSMOS!
and u can opt to be a gold dust or a piece of dirt, GOD gave you that choice!

Make the best of your time here! We can be DEAD in just a second, yes just a second (DISINTEGRATE...u become DUST)....this NUCLEAR stuff.....IF IF we make WAR

A Question for U: Will Iran be so stupid as to start a NUCLEAR War? ...

We will never know for sure, IF it's in the wrong hands, even Pakistan can flick out a bomb or two! Huh, that will be the day?...that's why the US is ALL OUT to exterminate the TALIBANs and Mr Al KEDA, Obama...oops..OSAMA, the man with the authentic beard (jangut) who has a MANSION in the caves of Pakistan.

My son told me (he's only 12) that the World will End in the year 2012. I told him "RUBBISH, where did you get this idea from?" He says it's the Internet. Wowo!...Must be from one of the Websites.....on RELIGION or the Nibiru stuff, people playing God...jadi BOMOH...pow wow for the Red Indians!!!! hahahaha
(Nibiru - what issit?
Nibiru created the asteroid belt through a cataclysmic collision that now separates us from the outer planets. This is why Nibiru became known to the ancients as the “Planet of Crossing”, and was depicted by a sign of a cross.)

The next clip shows True happenings which can happen again but THE END OF THE WORLD...rubbish, that's UP to GOD!

Just a PREDICTION and betting on it....NOPE, I don't buy it!

wHat is Technology?

It is U, the Cosmos and OUR remains a MYSTERY!
Technology can destroy us and it's frightening!

But, ONE THING is 4 SuRe, there is GOD!

And U can bet GOD is watching every move of ALL who are in power, including Politicians, etc etc...

And by the way IF You do want change in Malaysia because of corrupt politicians, Gaji Buta YBs, Sombong Ministers, CHANGE them by voting them out! ( the next GElections)

The next clip shows HOW sombong ('sombong' means PROUD in English) people can be - hiya, how arrogant!!!

dunt be like dat lo...

Watch Out for Politcal opportunists who are playing a mind game in trying to brain wash you, my dear friends, don't get CAUGHT! .... n don't be fooled! old tune our political birds would sing is "bla bla bla lalala development, development and more developmourn lalala" foot you say! it's POKEMON!!! yayayya, correct correct correct! ....
I better stop here, nanti kena COREK, susah saya! tengok apa terjadi dengan RPK sekarang?...cakap sebarang cakap, like a bull, now he is CAGED out! ...his own doing! ALA..TU LAH! K c FOR ,, LET UP 4 wat...$$$$!

U know better than I do that we get DIRTY LINEN everywhere!

Of course any development which brings GOOD to the people, by all means SUPPORT, anything useless and biased, REJECT...!...stand by your PRINCIPLES, in life!
...they play POKEMON game, man u know, SHOUT!!

...don't ever get pulled by the nose...u may end up in the DITCH! or even may get tossed out of the window!..or TBH style Over d balcony...or dumped in the sea!...or into the shallow Sg.Gombak, K.L...without your pants on n b-lls dangling!

What's in a LaUgh...a GoOdy Good LauGh?...
Laughter is the best medicine so they say. Rightly so. Because Laughing reduces stress levels directly associated with high blood pressure by calming the body into an instant mode of relaxation. It raises your spirit, strengthens your immune system, and protects your heart and simultaneously gives your internal organs a wonderful massage. This promotes proper digestion while toning your midsection, legs, back, and the muscles that hold your internal abdominal organs! A great big hearty laugh is nearly equal to several minutes of hardcore working out.

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