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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Could we not live in PEACE?

We must go back into history to live in peace and harmony for a better tomorrow. Radicalism and religious extremism have no place in a peaceful world. History has the facts. If it had kept precise records of dictators like Hitler and what he did, it didn't tell you much about how the Spaniards trained their fierce dogs to attack, kill and tear the Indians to pieces in the spread of Christianity.
Mustering peace in any parts of the world requires tact and wisdom and I think the rule of thumb is in preserving harmony, garnering support for the harmony and planting it amongst people, communities and nations of the world. It would require us to honour, cherish and cultivate THREE important traits namely tolerance, respect and understanding. These are the seeds for us to sow, the catalysts to harmony. Only then could we have what we called Solidarity. Let's be clear on this.

The United Nations, in its overview stated that it is "...committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights...". This is easier said then done.

Being on this planet EARTH is similar to being on a jet plane going from one place to another. We are all transients sharing a flight, which is temporary. We may not have the best seats for the moment, but we will all soon be landing at our destination. So why should we engage in quarreling over temporary seats? Moreover, those who have the best seats--fancy houses and high paying jobs, the wealthy--will also have to give up their seats when the flight is over, at the time of death. And where they will go after that, no one can really know for sure. Therefore, those who understand the temporary nature of this world will stop fighting and help one another to get through this life on earth. We must henceforth be willing to encourage in all manner possible to strengthen, not threaten life.

Our prejudices can restrict our ability to progress individually and socially. Spiritual understanding and enlightenment, ultimately, is all that will allow us to grow beyond our prejudices and living in a world of distinctions, and bring us to a world of peace and unity.This is a realization of the humbleness within self and giving self the opportunity to co-exist.

Prejudice is more than a conflict with others, it is an internal fight, a negative activity within oneself. We carry it with us wherever we go, an equivalent to a sign of immaturity. It is natural that as people mature, and especially if they develop spiritually, they will get tired of this fight from within. Thus, this lack of maturity in their perception may wear them down and may stifle their ability to contribute to society and themselves. They withdraw from society, remain retarded in this sense and never reach their full potential. As we mature in life and develop spiritually, the fight over prejudicial distinctions becomes boring. For many, it is a waste of time and dangling beneath one's dignity.

Could we not rise above the dictates of the mind and senses and view the Divinity, the Supersoul or God, within everybody with Divine Love. If Real religion means developing the love of God and for God, the authenticity coming from within self and including all of the parts and parcels of God, all the spirit souls, we should find it easier to shed the differences between the names and forms of the Divine, and to work together for a universal acknowledgment of the ONE TRUE GOD.

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