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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Smokers ...try reducing

I was in a coffee shop this morning surrounded by 3 smokers. Puffing of course is their business!
I thought for a moment I was a second hand smoker. Smoke from the cigarettes contain well over 3000 types of chemicals and their nanograms, which by measurement is a billionth of a gram are not considered acute but can prove to be chronic in the long run. Acute means you are exposed to a continuous 15 minutes of exposure whilst chronic takes months and years to develop, for which when symptoms surface, you may be diagnosed with a irreversible lung disease. Wow, if it's lung cancer, then you have had it!
So for you smokers, there are 3 things you need to know: the TAR from the tobacco smoke you inhaled can ultimately block the lining of the air sacs in your lungs (reason why many smokers experience shortness of breath following a physical activity), the NICOTINE which create that europharatic sensation or feelings of being high you experience and the chemical compound of HARMANE that can spike insulin in your blood. This is the reason smokers tend to look for something to drink when they smoke and can skip lunch or dinner for a stick of cigarette. By the way..reason you want another stick after maybe say one hour after your last puff is due to what is called the 'nicotine withdrawal' effect. For now, that's it....Wow...

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